Reminder to all Adults
Adults need to be reminded that teens are kids at heart, but they are maturing. Parents were kids at one point so times are changing and things are not the same as they were when you were teenagers. Teens feel like they need more respect and space. Teens need to find their place in the world so adults should be there as a guide to a thing called life and less of someone trying to protect them. If teens were never introduced to the world, they would never know what to do when life gets hard. Adults, by the time graduation comes around you should feel happy that you have a child who knows what to do in the real world. Do not smother or be too relaxed, if we need something we will usually ask for help if we need it.
Adults, as you see on the news what is going on in the world, the same things are happening at schools. My mother wants me to go to college. For me I do not know if I feel the same way do I want to go to college or do I want to go out and into the work force. I know people that want someone with a degree instead of a diploma. If I would go to college I know that I would have a job straight out of college.

Cameron Celaschi is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Cameron does not have any clubs or activates.
Cameron like to hunt, fish, and ride...