How Festive are You?

(Photo Credit via
On Friday December 16th the middle school is having a winter dance. The dance will be held in the Jefferson-Morgan elementary gym from 6-8 p.m.
For the dance there is a five dollar entry fee, the tickets are sold at school in Mrs. Boyle’s room during flex. Light refreshments such as hot chocolate and Christmas cookies will be available for students. The dress code is casual and the outfits must follow school dress code policy, there will be a ugly sweater/most festive attire contest there will be prizes for the winners. The dance is for 7th and 8th graders only. In order to attend the dance you must be in school until 11:15, a half day.
For any additional questions contact Mrs. Boyle at [email protected], or Mr. Lorher at [email protected].

Elizabeth Corbett is a sophomore and a second year Journalism student.
Corbett participates in Drama club, Leo club, SADD, and is president of her class....