Coronavirus Vaccine Causes Concern
Pharmaceutical companies around the world have increased efforts to produce a COIVD 19 vaccine.
“Yes, I am 100% willing to receive the vaccine for COVID-19. I have been seeing on the news, that companies and people working on the vaccine are showing promising results. Anything that makes living nightmare one step closer to being over, I am going to do. Also, I am always up to date on all of my shots, so I will be the first person in line to receive this vaccine,” said Jaggar Jellots.
On September 25th, 2020, the UK regulator was making a vaccine for COVID-19 at University of Oxford. As more and more citizens around the world contract COVID 19, the need for a vaccine grows. As more and more citizens around the world contract COVID 19, the need for a vaccine grows.
“I believe its our right to refuse or take the covid-19 vaccine. In my opinion I will not take the vaccine, and if the try to make it mandatory I have no problem fighting for my constitutional rights. I don’t feel safe becoming a lab rat for the state, and risk getting harmed by the vaccine,” said by Bryce BeBolt.
After trying a vaccine, two people got the transverse myelitis. The vaccine didn’t work well with the two people and got multiple sclerosis. After that happened Raina Maclntyre, an epidemiologist, watched the patients and see what they could do to fix the vaccine.

Daria Morris is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Morris is in Health Assistance at the GCTC. Morris works in the summertime for her neighbors...