Over the labor day weekend, two teenagers began a heated argument over a rumor that had been floating around on Twitter. In situations like these, it is best to see both points of view.
There is, however, a reason for this. Reason being, each person has their own personal events and sides to the situation that occurred. For example, one of the teenage girls may have started the rumor, due to family issues at home. While it may seem that she is to blame, the other teenage girl still feels flustered about the rumor posted about her. Both girls have side events that caused them to heat the situation up, and both girls have a reason to be angry at one another.
Without knowing both points of the situation, a person could assume that one girl or the other were to blame. Due to this, the teenagers would become even more frustrated with one another, as, neither believe that they are to blame.
Seeing another point of view to a situation can allow a person to weigh their options, make a judgement, then move on, instead of blindly bashing. Unfortunately, many teenagers today face a problem similar to this one, yet refuse to see the point of view of the person that they arguing with. This would cause the problem to never be resolved.
If both points of view were at hand, then the two girls could accept one another’s problems knowing that both of them had their reasons to be upset. This is another example of why seeing another point of view to a situation is important.
In the end, the labor day weekend was enjoyed by the teenage girls, since they resolved the situation at hand. Overall, seeing another side of a situation is helpful.

Shae Bedilion is a sophomore and first year Journalism student.
Shae likes to draw and create 3D models in her free time.