Being able to realize how another person feels is very important. It is important for many reasons and thinking about oneself is a big one. When thought about, every situation has a reaction or emotional toll. Being that everyone is different and lives a different life, it is nearly impossible to understand completely how it affects a specific person. It is not always the easiest thing to see how others may feel, but giving it a chance can make a difference.
For example, relationships are difficult and acquire a lot of work on both parts and will only work if there is communication. Communication is a big deal to understand because hearing where your partner is coming from and to giving them a chance to explain themselves benefits both people. If it were the other way around it would also be important for them to listen as well. Being in a relationship means you love and care for your partner, which in turns means giving one another the chance to feel what is being felt. In high school, teenagers are not always ready for a full committed relationship, but that does not necessarily mean only the “dating” kind of relationship. In any school there is a variety of people that are friends and want to be understood. Even being in a friendship means realizing how one another feels in some way.
In conclusion, understanding how a person feels and how we react to is very important. Each and every situation is a situation that should be taken seriously because there is a time and place for a not so serious reaction. Other people feel things the way anyone else would feel, and it is very important to see things from their point of view if possible. The few moments it would take to listen and communicate, is the time it could take to make a complete difference.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...