Seeing a situation from another person’s point of view is very important. This situation could be about anything but everybody has a different point of view. Everybody sees things differently which is why this is important. This effects everybody, just take a moment and try to see any situation from somebody else’s point of view. It changes the way you feel and act about that situation.
First just try to see any situation from anybody else’s point of view besides yours. If you just try this one time you will see that situation completely different. Others will not see that situation the same way; an individual will not judge anybody ever again. Let us just take Michael Vick and the dog fighting situation for example. Yes, what he did was terribly wrong but some people may not mind it at all. Just put yourself in a dog lovers shoes, and tell me how you feel after you view that situation. If others do this they will not look at that situation the same way that others did before. Nobody has the same thoughts or points of view as you. Everybody is different, just put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
If others put themselves into some else’s shoes for just one day; you will never judge that person or some other person ever again, doing that will change your point of view on every situation that you may come upon. Just try it one time; you will see everything differently no matter the situation. Large or small you will see it completely different, this may also help you in many ways. Seeing situations in other people’s eyes will help you with your life also.

Dalton Fowler is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Dalton is a member and senior captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Football team. He is also...