It is super important to be able to see situations from different point of views. Not everyone thinks the same so it is helpful to see from other people’s perspective, too. In any given situation, people do not like others that always think they are right. Over reacting about something can result in losing friendships with friends and even family for that matter.
One example as to why it is important to see things in other people’s perspective is when someone might over react. There are times when a person just gets so mad that they take all their frustration out on a friend or family member. Imagine how that person feels, though. There are even people that lose control of what comes out of their mouth and that leads to hurting a friend’s feelings so much that they will no longer want to be your friend! Imagine what those hurtful words can do to a person. Nothing good will come out of yelling at someone, it will just make things worse. There is always a better way to approach a situation and going in with intentions to make the other person feel bad is not the way to go. Once the words are said, there is no taking them back because the harm is already done.
Just saying a few words can change a person forever, so it is important to watch what is said and think about how that person will feel once those words are stated. One way to avoid this is put yourself in that person’s shoes. No one wants people to say hurtful comments to them, so they should not say hurtful comments to others. Just remember that eventually it can be regretted, so see things from a different point of view.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...