Downtown Pittsburgh this week was flooded; at 11:59 on April 5th, 2024, it was reported that it was reopened. Between Grant Stree and the Fort Pitt Bridge, an area of the parkway called the “Bathtub”, has been closed since Wednesday.
Crews have pumped almost all the water out from Parkway East and are now cleaning all the mud covering the road. When the Parkway floods the river usually reaches over 25 feet, so it was a lot of water. Lori Musto, assistant district executive for maintenance in PennDOT District 11 says, “As the water builds up behind the retaining wall, once it hits that flood stage, it comes over the wall very quickly like a waterfall and it floods the parkway instantly.” This is one of the biggest floods we had since 2003 and gladly there were no reported injuries.
In conclusion, this rain has impacted Pittsburgh because the roads closed due to the flooding, and now the biggest flood we have had since 2003. Mother Nature is at her finest at the moment as the weather continues being crazy.