Michael Metz – Fall Back
On November 2nd, 2014, daylight savings time will go into effect and people in the United States will undergo the “fall back” sequence of daylight a savings time. Daylight savings time is a time when the clocks of the world are shifted from hour forward in the spring and one hour back in the fall. In spring time the clocks are shifted forward to balance standard time, it gives people more daylight in the spring and summer months. In the fall time the clocks are shifted backward, which means less light in the fall and winter months. People around the world who live in places that are constantly undergoing this process of daylight savings time are always being told to adjust their clocks based on the recommended times that are used for the process. Daylight savings time happens every year for most people in the world, and most of the people who surveyed the question, is daylight savings time positive or negative? Most of them chose positive because it allows them to read time easily and allows them to become adapted with the process changing every year. The dates are always changing which helps people who live in the United States understand why daylight savings time happens during different days of November and March.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...