Is Halloween good to have candy?

October 31st is Halloween and people are handing out healthy stuff! What a shame.

Should people be allowed to eat just candy on Halloween? Palmer says “Just straight out candy because that’s the one day that people can eat candy without being criticized.” Mason is saying that is are one day that we can eat all we want. Halloween should be the day where we go all out on candy. Candy should only be on that day and the day after. Kids shouldn’t eat all the candy in one night.

Is it good for kids to eat candy just one day?  One day shouldn’t be bad. Like one day in a whole year isn’t bad at all. If you exercise and are fit and you want to just take a day off but they the next day you go back at it. Don’t get me wrong being fit should be good for you but just one day in the whole year just to eat candy.

Should a child have candy on Halloween? Ms.Gratchic says “No, Simply because they would want more.”  That is a really good point. Kids need something to look forward to and no way in human history would they give out nothing but healthy foods.  That’s why we say Trick or Treat a treat is candy.

Regardless of what other people think Halloween will still be Halloween. Candy will still be made maybe even new kinds of candy only time will tell.