Having a High School Reputation

Having a High School Reputation


Having a high school reputation can affect students in a positive or a negative way depending on what or has been said about a particular student or being judged by the type of person they may appear to be. A reputation is a way for students to label each other depending on the character they see about a person or the actions that they portray. What most students fear the most is what their reputation will be like once they get into high school because that effect a person is so many ways. But there are people who believe that having a reputation is not important but only a way for students to judge others.


“Being popular or having a reputation is not important at all. It’s just a way to judge each other and affects what kind of friends you have.” –Stated by James Riley. This statement is true in a way because once you have a reputation in school or where ever you may be it is hard to shake or change that. And you find interest in the friends who are judged the same way you may be judged or get accepted by the person you are.

While some high school students feel it is not important to have a high school reputation there are some that feel you should have one. Out of the 15 students interviewed in the Jefferson Morgan high school, only 40 percent of them felt it was important to have a reputation. Students feel it’s a way to define someone but also a way to think they know everything about that person when in most cases act a certain way around their friends when not at home. No one really knows a person until they say you spend two full years with someone and truly understand.

“It’s not that important to have a high school reputation but you have to give the people what they want. You’re known by people for what you do so you’re going to keep to it and you can’t change that. People like you by what you do or act and have to show to fit in.” – Stated by Breonna Johnson

So all in all, having a reputation can affect you in a good or bad way depending on how you are labeled with the reputation.  When most people are quick to judge you or define you for what you see, they’re not getting the full picture of the person you are. The reputation that you may have may be exactly nothing to the person you are and some students take personally in a form of bullying to bring up and make fun of that person and lower their self-esteem. There are people who feel anything someone says about them has no effect but everyone is different and equal no matter what someone says. We’re only human and a reputation is something that sticks with you forever and hard to shake.