Reputation- Victoria Conti

Reputation- Victoria Conti

Social media can affect a student’s reputation by the things they say themselves, and the things that are said about them by others, this can have a good and bad connotations.

A large quantity of our generation uses social media, and sometimes it can be used inappropriately. Without realizing it, a person may put something on social media can change the way several people perceive them. Molly Grandel says, “It is important to watch what you say on social media, you never know who you may be offending with your words.” Sometimes, the things said on social media may seem acceptable with our age group, but adults may view it as the teenager being disrespectful or negative. “The things I’ve said on social media have affected my reputation with adults and kids. How adults view things you say may be different than how kids view it,” said Dylan Davis.

When asked in a survey, twelve out of fifteen students said that they had never put anything to negatively affect their reputation on social media. This can be perceived as a good thing because our generation is learning how to be more careful with our technology. The importance of watching what you say on social media because it is impossible to tell who may see it has been told to us multiple times. The older students get, and realize that the colleges they plan on attending may look at their social media, definitely makes an impact on what the student may put on their accounts. A majority of the students questioned in the survey were upper classmen, suggesting that we can better handle social media as we get older.

Social media doesn’t necessarily affect reputations in a bad way, however. If what you are putting just general thoughts on your account and fun things, people will not think one way or another about it. It is better to play it safe on social media and not post controversial things.. “If something is put on social media that makes you look bad, your reputation will fall,” said Gavin Koratich. One tweet, Facebook status, or photo on Instagram can change the peoples point of views.

Social media can take over your reputation when negative things are constantly posted about oneself. It is important to watch what is said at all times, because no one wants their reputation changed due to social media. Students are realizing this now and making the changes to make their social media accounts say only positive things about their reputation.