Giving Back

Someone can give back to their community through donating their time and energy in improving it. It is important to volunteer and do these things to show gratitude and respect for their community. There are many ways someone can give back; one way would be by going to one of the many local shelters and volunteering their time at it.  A person who loves animals could give to their Local Humane Society and give back by donating treats, toys, and etc. Often a person is even able to fill out an application to volunteer their time there in walking, playing with and bathing the animals. Instead of throwing away old clothing a person may have grown out of or don’t wear anymore and items they have no use for anymore they can have cheap yard sales. Yard sales will give people who can’t afford many things the chance to purchase good quality items for a cheaper price. If a person is not worried about money and just giving clothing away is not a big issue they can even donate their old things to places like the Salvation Army or shoes for kids. Visiting Local Seniors at the Senior Center is a good way to give back and sometimes a person won’t have to do anything other than give the elderly someone to talk to or someone they can read, play cards, or dance with.