Ally bogden – Athlete Article


Ally Bogden is a junior basketball player who has played for 8 years now. Ally has lettered 2 years so far and will continue to letter.

Ally plays the position post for the Jefferson Morgan Rockets and her jersey number is 11. Ally plays basketball for the fun of the sport and the enjoyment of playing with her team mates. Ally has had some great memories with her team, but when she was asked what her favorite memory was of last season she replied, “Doing the harlem shake with the team.”

Ally has many memories of last season but she is also looking forward to this season. Ally is looking forward to winning and having fun this season. The team has tough teams to face and by Ally’s judgment California will be their toughest opponent but Ally knows the team and herself will bring the victory back to Jefferson Morgan.

When Ally was asked if she prefers home games over away games, she replied, “I prefer home games because I’m used to shooting on our own hoop and other hoops are different. Also the sense of home pride makes the home games better than away.

Ally has a huge piece of advice for her underclassmen team mates. “Listen and work hard because senior year come faster than you think.” Ally gave this advice so underclassmen could understand how fast the senior year comes and enjoy the sport as much as you can.