preparing for Midterms
Students often find themselves studying and preparing hard for midterms, whether it’s a project or a test, students will find ways to prepare for it. Students will study hard for midterm test and sometimes studying as hard as possible is not the best thing to do. Preparing for a midterm is not only about studying but it’s also about being mentally prepared for the difficult questions or tasks a midterm asks for. If a student prepares too much for a midterm, when the test or project comes around, they might not do well on the test and forget everything or the project might be boring and very poorly composed. Over preparing is something a lot of students do, it’s not intentional. Some students truly believes if they study hard for a midterm and no breaks from studying for the midterms, then they will get a good grade but sometimes that’s not the way it works out. Preparing for a midterm project is not as difficult as preparing for a midterm test. A project enables the students to possibly have fun with it and be creative when a test does not offer those benefits. It’s not the most fun thing when a student has to sit for a couple hours each night and go over notes and over fill their brains with a bunch of information. Also a great way to prepare for midterms is to not study the wrong information. Studying the wrong information is an awful way to prepare.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....