Positives about mid-year semester changes
There are both positives and negatives about semester changes. Semester changes mean a different class for the second half of the year. Some students like the change of the classes when other students prefer to stay in the class they are already in. A positive about semester changes is that some students that don’t like the class they were previously in, they get the opportunity to experience a different class. Students that like the class changes are greatly appreciative of the class changes for the second half of the year. As for the students that would rather stay in their previous class, they are not going to like the second half of the year. Students that would rather stay in the class they were previously in are not going to appreciate the class changes for the second half of the year and will most likely not enjoy their second half of the year. Another negative for semester changes would have to be getting used to going to different classes. At the very start of the year, students get used to their schedule and get comfortable with it. The second half of the year just throws that off a little bit because of the different class changes. Another positive to semester changes is possibly having an easier second half of the year. Some students might have had difficult classes for the first half of the year, but with the schedule changes, student that had a hard time get a break because maybe their second half classes are not as difficult.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....