Great ways to spend valentines day
Being “single” on Valentine’s Day is just another reason some people go crazy. Being single is simply not having that special someone to celebrate a holiday with and when there is no one to celebrate it with, what are other options?
There are plenty of things to do while being single on Valentine’s Day. Video games are always the answer to something like this. Video games can always cheer someone up on Valentine’s Day. Video games can really take a broken spirit and lift it up. Also, playing video games on Valentine’s Day can substitute for being single because videos can be a calm and enjoyable time. If someone does not play video games then whatever that person is interested in is a good way to spend Valentine’s Day.
When Michael Metz was asked how he spends Valentine’s Day single, he replied, “I normally play video games or just do whatever I feel like doing that day.” Video games are obviously a pretty easy way to spend Valentine’s Day. There are other options like spending the day with friends, family, or even an animal, as some would. So there are more options than just playing video games.
Other options for spending Valentine’s Day while single are things like riding a bike. Riding a bike is a great way to ignore Valentine’s Day. Also another way of spending it single is going out and trying to find someone. Some people go out on Valentine’s Day and try to find a certain someone. This is probably not the best way to spend it. When Arron Mylan was asked how he spends Valentine’s Day single, he replied, “I treat it like a normal day.” Treating Valentine’s like a normal day is a very great way to treat it. If someone does not want to think about Valentine’s Day, just treat it like a normal day.
Valentine’s Day is just another reason some people go crazy. For others it’s just a normal day and they treat it like a normal day. There are plenty of ways to spend Valentine’s Day while single but different people have different ways.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....