Why it is amazing to be single on Valentine’s Day – Morgaine Harris

Why is it nice to actually be single on Valentine’s Day? Let’s just say that there are many things to look forward to. First off, there is no need to be disappointed when no gifts or candy is received, knowing that fact makes things so much easier. Next, your parents will pity you. They already know that you do not have a significant other to share the joy with, so they will make a large effort to give you what you deserve. Also, people will not need to waste pointless money; they can use it on themselves without having to feel upset. Now, let’s get onto the after Valentine sales. The after sales are the day after when everything goes on clearance. The twenty dollar chocolates you wanted?  On sale for 5.99 or less, now that is a real gift all in itself. Another reason to be dateless on Valentine’s Day is because you and all of your other single buddies can have a party. People can gather around, and maybe, just maybe, they can find their significant match. Now what is more romantic than meeting that special one on Valentine’s Day?  So let us be realistic here, there are sales, parties, group gatherings, the parents “I am so sorry your alone this year, I’ll always be your valentine!” gift basket. Also, to top it off, money is being saved. So there is no need to be upset!