Spring Up For A New Season

With spring coming soon, there are many things to look forward to. One thing that many people are looking forward to is dressing differently. Because the weather is gradually becoming a lot warmer, the way we dress changes. From jeans and winter coats to shorts and t-shirts. Another benefit to the weather changing is the activities that you can do. In the winter you can’t go outside and play tennis or go biking on the trail comfortably. Now that the weather is nicer, it opens up more opportunities to go outside and get active. Another thing that people look forward to in spring is the new food that is in season. Now, there is fresh fruit coming out more now that it is in season. Another thing that people look forward to in spring is Easter. This is a popular event that people celebrate. Whether or not you celebrate the reason behind Easter, this can still be enjoyed. Many people look forward to having sweets for this holiday. There are chocolate Easter bunnies and all kinds of candy that is specifically for Easter. These are just a few activities and events that are looked forward to in the spring season.