What Social Media Affects Students
Social media over the past years has become one of the most influential things in a student’s life. Social Media isn’t just for teens, social media influences everyone including such as the government. Social media influences teens by exposing them to certain things that are trending or important in the social scene. One of the most influential social media sites in my opinion is Twitter, right behind Facebook. Twitter is a site that almost all of the popular celebrities use. For example Twitter is influential because of the fact that most of the things posted on Twitter can affect someone’s life in a negative or positive manner. Social media can start Twitter fights or arguments. It can also promote a new trend such as a new hairstyle. Why social media influences teens is because of the content, social media is how teens stay connected to the social scene without actual physical presentation. Whatever is said on Twitter is treated like it is their word, from their mouth.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)