School Supplies
School supplies are very important, having a pencil when showing up to class is the best start to having necessary school supplies.
Starting the day off with simply having a writing utensil is one of the best ways to start the list of necessary school supplies. Notebooks are normally provided in the classroom but most student end up using a personal notebook for more organization and simply to have a personal notebook. Having other necessities like folders or pencils are often provided in class but a lot of students use a personal folder for more organization and the fact that if the folder were to get stolen or lost, the student knows exactly what it looks like and the student also knows what’s inside of it that’s important. Another item to have for school is patience. Patience can go a long way in school and a student will need a lot of considering school can be very irritating and it will be necessary to be able to put up with school and everything in it. Patience is the number one thing a student can have and it will be more important than a pencil because you can always borrow a pencil, a student can’t borrow patience.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....