How To Survive Finals

Now that it is the end of the school year, students are now bombarded with finals. Finals can be very intimidating if one does not take good enough measures to be prepared for finals. One of the most important things to do while one is studying, or trying to study, for finals is to turn your phone off. Having your cell phone on and with you during the time that you are trying to get your studying in can be very distracting especially when notifications keep going off. This is detrimental to the quality of your study time so it is usually best to have it off or set aside for later. This is usually a very beneficial thing to do. Also, when studying, it is good to do it in smaller amounts of time rather than studying for hours on end. After so long, your brain stops taking in the information and basically gives up on withholding information. Instead of studying for a long time, one can take frequent small breaks by doing things such as going on a walk, watch some T.V. or something active. This is always beneficial. Be sure to get a good amount of rest and eat healthy to help your productivity through this stressful time.