Spring Time

Photo credit via googleimages.com
The month of March has come and that only means one thing, spring is on its way. This year has been kind of what we expect from the winter season, snow and very cold days. This year, winter storm Jonas, unloaded its fury, when it dumped 2 feet of snow throughout the Midwest and the east coast. This winter season went pretty fast and smooth for many people in the world.
When spring arrives, everything is going to feel so much better and should be a good time for everyone. Spring time is a great time for not only kids but for teens and adults. Kids love the outside, whether in the snow or the warm days where they feel more comfortable and can do a lot more sport wise. For teens and adults, spring can be a time to relax and just feel comfortable as the weather becomes warmer and is more manageable clothing wise. A lot more teens, male in particular, wear shorts and t-shirts, due to the warm weather that the spring months bring along with them. The spring weather is also a time for athletes to make major improvements as the weather also helps them get outside and be more active with their sport. I personally love the spring time because it helps me get over the long cold days that winter brought and also helps me get outside and become very active.
In conclusion, spring time is all about how people see it, whether they like it or they don’t, it’s their opinion and can be stated however they want to. In my opinion, I see spring as a time to get outside, be more active, and become a stress free person. Spring time, could be a good time or bad time for others, it’s all about how they view the world during the spring.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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