Summer Time
There are plenty of things to do over summer break like camping, spending time with family, spending time with friends, fishing, or basically doing anything that is fun. Plenty of things to do with little time to do them is what I always say.
While there are plenty of options to choose from for summer activities ideas, one of the best would be to get active and sweat. If someone were to spend the majority of their summer staying active and sweating, they would find themselves in great shape when fall comes around. Summer has a way of changing a person’s attitude on health. Some stay inside and do nothing, others go out and sweat. For the people that like to stay active, simple activities like hiking, biking, or just walking everyday can have a result at the end of summer that will be very unexpected. Summer swimming is a great exercise because it helps with the hot days of summer but it is also relaxing. Swimming is also great because it’s a very active and fun exercise that some people would enjoy doing.
While staying active over the summer is a great activity for the break, learning how to eat healthy is another great summer activity. Summer is the best time to start eating healthy because there are endless choices of fruit to pick from. Visiting a fresh produce market is the place to start because there are always fresh fruits and vegetables. Summer is also a great time to start eating healthy because it’s the best time to be temptations. While having ice cream on a hot summers day every once in a while is not bad, it’s something that shouldn’t be done every day. Having a cold fruit smoothie or a cold fruit mix is a great substitution for ice cream. Beating an ice cream craving is one of the hardest for a lot of people but it is possible.
Staying in shape or getting in shape is a great summer activity but always remember to have fun while doing it. Eating healthy and changing diet habits is also a great summer activity but it’s important to remember that having a cheat day every so often is never going to hurt, just sweat it out the next day.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....