Rinse and Repeat

It’s that time of year again, back to school time. Back to school can mean many things; different feelings depending on what a student thinks of school. The first day and week of school is probably the easiest part of the year; everyone gets caught up with their friends from over the summer, and students slowly get back into the swing of things when it comes to writing and learning material.
Organization is something that a lot of students should look into for this year because of the amount of new material that will be given out at the beginning of the year. School supplies such as extra pencils, pens, binders, and plastic folders should be invested into. Here at Jefferson Morgan most of the school supplies that are needed are given such as folders, notebooks, and writing utensils; although students should invest into a binder or multi-subject notebooks so that everything is closer together, reducing that amount of books/folders that has to be carried around. Pencils are something that every student should not find themselves without; you never know when you’re going to have to write something. As a recommendation plastic folders are a lot better than a paper folder. Plastic folders last longer and are more durable, allowing them to take some abuse in a student’s locker; combined with a binder can allow for more storage of writing materials and folders.
A new change in wardrobe is always nice as well. Since it is the end of August the warm season is coming to an end soon, and the windy, chilly autumn is approaching. A new wardrobe change of long sleeved shirts and pants are going to be necessary soon, with the impending certainty of wind chill.
Many students are always eager for that first few days of school, and as the course of time drags on the enthusiasm towards school goes on a downward decline.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)