Dylan Crockard – Athlete Biography

    Tyler Wilson

    More stories from Tyler Wilson

    Dylan Crockard is a senior and a member of the rifle team.

    Dylan has been apart of the rifle team for four year and it has been a big part of his high school career. As being a senior member on the team Crockard looks to be a leader on his team this season. This year Crockard looks to have his best season and wants to be a consistent leader on the team.


    Dylan’s love for shooting has always come easy to him, but he has a passion for the sport and is setting the bar high for himself during his senior season

    “I always liked shooting and it just came easy to me, after that I fell in love”.


    Crockard has set high expectations for himself this season, but nothing he believes he is not capable of. He looks to be more consistent in his shooting this year in order to lead his team by example.


    “I want to have a season to remember, and I want to be as consistent as possible for me and my team”.


    As this being his last season Crockard also wants it to be his best season. He has had many memorable moments as being a member of the rifle team and he plans to build on those memories this season.


    “I am going to miss my team, and joy of shooting a good match.Those are the parts of the sport I think have been most memorable for me”.


    Although Crockard is a senior and a veteran on the team, he believes there is still a lot of pressure to shoot well. As a senior he believes it is his duty to his team to shoot well, and he puts a lot of pressure on himself to do so. Even though he puts a lot of pressure on himself Crockard still believes that shooting a good match has been the most joyous of his experiences during his rifle career so far.