It is the time of year for the Grammy’s
More stories from Silvia Metz
The 2017 Grammy’s will be hosted by James Corden. As votes are being casted in waiting to see who will all take home a Grammy. It is a night full of glamour and red carpet shots and a chance to see your favorite star get interviewed and possibly take home a Grammy or Grammy’s. And there is 84 categories.
Many stars will be performing new releases on their albums some artists like Beyonce who is by the way pregnant again and The weekend will be making their return along with daft punk. Bruno Mars will be doing a tribute to the late Prince who passed away in April. And Metallica will be performing. Adele, Justin bieber, and beyonce are almost selected for every category
Two students were asked to answer their thoughts on the Grammy awards.
“Everything seems pretty predictable but I am excited to see who wins best rock artist”- Jasmine Smitley. Another person answered what is their thoughts on the Grammy’s
“Every year it’s something different but I am really excited who all takes home a Grammy or multiple Grammy’s”- Rain Judy
Kendrick Lamar stated his thoughts about the Grammy and this is what he had to say “ Being acknowledged for your work is always a great accomplishment , whether it’s people in my city, kids in the street, all the way up to the Grammy”.
Following with his statement another star posted her thoughts as well “ Going from someone playing 15- people venues to performing at the Grammy, it was this giant leap and sort of showed me it was possible with what I wanted to do and the kind of music I wanted to write and artists I want to impact a lot of people”- Mary Lambert.