Colten Davidson – Athlete Biography
Colten Davidson is a junior and a member of the track team.
Davidson has been running track since his freshman year and has been a crucial part to the team’s success at different events. Although he has made solid contributions to the team, he is never satisfied with where he is. He always wants to constantly improve.
“I always try to stay in shape for track season,” explained Davidson. “Although my speed is pretty solid, I like to do things to improve my speed as well as my endurance so that I can be successful. I run hills and do other exercises to help improve my abilities.”
Davidson competes in both 100 meter and the 4×100. As important as individual success can be to him, team success is just as important, if not more. The team will try to stay competitive and pull off a number of wins this season.
He went on to explain which meet he thought would be most important to the team and how they could potentially win. “I feel like the West Greene meet will be pretty pivotal this year. If everyone works hard and does what they are supposed to do, we can definitely come out with a win.”
As a veteran on the track team, Davidson will be looked up to by some of his younger teammates. He may not be a senior, but he still can help others improve themselves by showing them how to prepare for meets and even by leading by example.
“I really enjoy being a part of this team,” said Davidson. “It has been a great team to bond with so far, and we are looking forward to the rest of a fun season. We all help each other in different ways so that we can consistently improve and become the best team we can be.”
Davidson and company are looking to have individual and team success this year. With hard work and determination, they can do just that.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...