Gaga’s : Five Foot Two Review
More stories from Silvia Metz

The iconic pop star Lady Gaga came out with a 2017 documentary on netflix it gets you to know the star just a little bit better. She talks about way it took her three years to come back and what has all been happening. She also talks about the meaning behind the album Joanne that will be released on October 21, 2017 but most songs have already been leaked out. She also goes behind how she prepared her half time show in Houston,TX for the super bowl and why she sang the songs she did.
I had just watched this Monday night and I honestly thought it was really good I have always idolized her so to watch this was great. Gaga has definitely changed she isn’t crazy with the glamour and the meat dresses any more. To watch her come out about how her life was over the past three years that she has been out of music was very touching.
I have watched many documentaries on artists like Madonna and Michael Jackson but they always hid the most personal parts. I love that she was honest and she showed her fans how she really is and what is she like behind the make up and the crazy clothes.