Apple Searches Device
I think the government should have the right to be able to access peoples Apple devices to gain information that may or may not affect public safety.
The government should be able to access things like that because if they have a search warrant out for someone and they have no clue where to find them, the government can just call Apple or other companies to unlock the persons device that they are looking for so the government can find information about about where the person lives.
Also, if the government is searching for someone for a reason other than a search warrant, they can call any of the phone companies to gain information about the person’s location and where they live. The government should also be allowed to call companies and get information about people if they get a case that someone is getting cyber bullied. They can just call Apple or another company to shut off the device to punish the person for bullying. They can also find the location of the person who is bullying someone and go arrest them if the situation gets bad enough.
The government also should not be allowed to call phone companies and gain information about people’s locations. They should not be allowed to do that because people may think that they have personal information on their devices and they think that no one should be able to access the information that is saved onto their phone. Another reason that they should not be able to call companies and gain information about people’s cellular devices is because people want their privacy, and they do not anyone like the government going through their phone and gaining information about that person. Overall, I think that they should be allowed to access the Apple devices.

Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and first year Journalism student
Jadon is a member of the football and basketball teams.
Jadon likes to play sports,...