Government has the force
I think that he government has the right to force the Companies such as apple to unlock phones because what if someone loses their phone and someone finds it, how are you supposed to get it back? Well the company of apple should be able to unlock your phone because say you lose it in the store and you don’t know what you did with it so someone would take it to the company of apple they can unlock your phone and then they can directly know that it was yours.
I think that the company of apple should unlock phones because of so many ways that you can get your phone back is that if your lose it you can call the company of apple or version and ask them if someone turned on your cell phone. Another reason why is that if there is bad picture or inappropriate messages on that phone, than apple can take that phone directly to the state police and turn that phone in to the state police and you can get in even more trouble from the police.
I think that people should just keep their phone unlocked because of you lose it and someone picks it up and all they have to do it go to your contacts and go to me and there is your name and they can know who you are or if they don’t know who you are they could also go to settings and go to phone and right there is your phone number and maybe there is an address maybe someone can bring it to your house instead of taking it to the company pf apple.

Krista McCartney is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Krista McCartney is member of the basketball and softball teams.
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