Government Privacy
The government sometimes goes overboard with invading private property. To an extent, they do have a right to investigate phones if they have a reason to do so. A warrant should be issued to do this. It should not be done by just hacking into a phone and shutting it down without a reason stated or a means of why they would investigate a person. If this person was already a criminal and was of suspicion again, then that could be a viable reason to look into their phone.
To do so, the government would have to contact the company of the user to gain access to this information. It would then be up to the company to allow the government to gain this information. Therefore, the government should present a legitimate reason to try and obtain this information. If the reason is that the safety of America or the people in it is at risk, then that should be a good reason to allow the government to do this. There must be a good reason to invade a person’s privacy for the company to comply with the government’s request.
Public safety is a big issue in today’s society, especially after the terrorist attacks in recent years. That being said, it may be important for the government to invade the privacy of people who seem suspicious. Although, there should be a definite reason to investigate a person. The government cannot just go after people for no reason. That is violating the Constitution and invading personal property. For the government to do this, there must be a legitimate reason to do so.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...