Government Rights
I feel the government has the right to force Apple to unlock devices only when needed. If they just “feel” like snooping through a device, then it is not right. I see it as if they need to have a reasonable cause in an emergency, then they have their right to do so. In only this way do I feel it is necessary to look into a person’s device.
In certain situations it is important for the government to be involved, and in other situations, it is important they do not get involved. The government is clearly a higher power than all of us, so for them to get involved, it must be a major urgency. In our everyday lives, we do not do things negatively enough for them to get involved with everything. There is a difference between the law and the government so the law is in more control which is based off the government, but for them to nationally get involved it is usually a world emergency.
When I speak about emergencies, I am leaning towards things like terrorist attacks, large catastrophes and world wide events that involve the rest of the people globally. When it comes to our smart devices, many of us have our lives on them. I do not know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t want the government snooping through my stuff just because they are at a higher power. Maybe, just maybe, if they had a good enough reason to be accusing me of a crime or claiming I am a part of something more than my everyday life that could be a risk to others, THEN would I consider allowing them to snoop.
Our devices are the things we are provided as well. Why should we allow them to do as they please with the things we pay for and what we own? There is a time and place for just about everything. This does not including snooping and forcing a company such as Apple to unlock devices with no say or no permission to do so. It wouldn’t be right and would not set a good outlook on the government we the people have to deal with everyday of our lives.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...