How Much Power is Too Much Power?
The company Apple is currently battling with the government because the government wishes to hack into peoples phone, but Apple is refusing to do so. I do not believe that the government has the right to unlock phones for information unless it is for public safety. If it does not affect society, and the everyday life of Americans then there is no reason to hack into phones. There is so much personal and private information on someone’s phone and it is not right of the government to go plundering into people’s personal files. I do not believe the government should have the right to do it for no reason. If they have a legitimately good reason to go through someone’s files then it is fine. If they do not have a reason they should not be able to gain access to someone personal phone. If the police do not have the right to search someone’s house without a warrant, then they should not be able to search someone’s phone.
If the government is searching through Americans’ phones, without reason, it is going to cause suspicion with the government. Why should we trust a government that does not trust its’ people? I do not believe it is right of a government to go rummaging through its’ citizens phones, without a legitimate reason to do so. Although I do agree with the government searching through and hacking phones of those with suspicion, I do not agree with hacking into the phones of ordinary innocent people. I find it unjust and morally wrong to go through sentimental, personal, private files of law-abiding citizens, because the government wishes to.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...