A Walt Disney Memory
A Walt Disney memory I am quite fond of is the movie The Fox and The Hound. When Copper and Tod had to be separated from each other because they were both best friends from the beginning, then having to be separated due to the fact that nature had basically destined them to have a bitter hatred for one another. I remember all the scenes where I personally cried when I was younger. Having watched the film, and the most inspirational moment in that film was when copper and todd overcame the odds and rekindled their friendship. That moment carried a lot of weight with me in my oncoming years, because it shows me no matter how stacked the odds are against you, a true friendship will always find a way to prevail in the face of adversity and growing up. I can relate to the film because I am currently friends with people whom I once disliked. I have found a true friendship with people whom I once had that same dislike for as portrayed in the film. My friends and I do have our differences, and we do fight a lot, but in the end we always fix things up and go back to the way things were. Sometimes even better because it helps strengthen our friendship. It shows us that our friendship is not worth throwing away and going our separate ways. It may be hard, but in the end fighting through it gives us a better understanding of the depth of friendship we will share. This is why this Disney film has had such an impact on my life, and why it has a nice spot deep in my memories.

Matthew Haring is a junior and a first year Journalism student.
He does not participate in any sports and or any extracurricular activities.