Changes to the School
If I could change something about my school, I would change the bell. I just barely get to most of my classes on time. The bell needs to be extended for about 2 minutes. Most students do not get to their classes on time because of how short the bell is. Teachers are suppose to write students up when they get 3 tardies. If the bell was extended, that would not happen as often as it does now.
Another thing that I would change about my school is study halls. We never have study halls. It would help so many students because teachers always give a lot of homework. If a student goes somewhere after school and they do not have time to do their homework because they get home really late, they cannot do their homework. Also, if someone plays sports and they have a game on a night where they have a lot of homework, they will not be able to get it done because most sports last a long time. If there were study halls, more students would be able to get their homework done even if they have sports that night.
The last thing that I would like to change about my school is how early the school day starts. At this school, the day starts at 7:30. That means that students have to wake up a little after 6:00. That is really early for someone that does not go to bed until 11;30 or midnight. If the school day started later, we would be able to stay in school later in the day.

Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and first year Journalism student
Jadon is a member of the football and basketball teams.
Jadon likes to play sports,...