If I Could Change Anything About My School
If I could change something about my school, I would change the amount of homework we should receive. Although homework can be a good tool towards classes and learning, it can also be over used. The amount of homework should be somewhat kept to a minimum and used when necessary. Although it is a god way to help students it also can hurt a lot of students. Some students who have jobs not only have to balance work, studying, and social life but also are also given the task to complete homework and sometimes in large amounts. Teachers tend to balance grades but not just the tests themselves but also the homework given throughout the 9 weeks. Even though it is the students responsibility to have homework done, there should be a limit on the amount they are given. Tests and quizzes are stressful enough to some students and asking them to balance large amounts of work on their own time is even more of a burden on them. Not all teachers are guilty of overloading on homework, and some rarely ever assign work, but some teachers think it is necessary to give too much homework for students to keep up with. Some teachers also expect students to learn a lesson in a day and be able to do pages of homework on it. Students are supposed to learn in school, not from homework. The teacher’s job is to teach, and even though homework is sometimes needed, others like to abuse it.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...