Study Hall
If I could change one thing about our school it would be the fact that we do not have a study hall. From an athlete’s perspective, it would make things so much easier. What I mean is that most students participate in sports, so it is very difficult to go to the sporting event and then not get home until late for most, and then be expected to study and do homework for the next day. With a study hall, though, students can have one period to get as much work and studying done as possible to avoid having to do it late at night. There are also some students who have a job, so that makes things even more difficult. Not everyone has time to study every night, but I think that with a study hall, it would be a lot more helpful to just about everyone. I also think that study hall should be an elective so that those who do not need one will not be required to go to it. Even though it would be a 45 minute period, most students can get a lot of work done in that amount of time. If this would be too much of an issue, just having a study hall two or even three days a week would still be greatly helpful to most of us. I know that our school had a study hall before but then it got taken away. The last reason why it would be a good improvement to our school is because while students are working on their homework or studying for a test, if they have any questions they can ask their teacher instead of going home and not having anyone to ask, leaving them unprepared for the test.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...