How to Spend Your Summer Vacation
Summer break. Those words are sweet in the ears of students all over the world. Three straight months of no school. None of the stresses of homework and tests, and lots and lots of time to yourself. Some people, however, are unsure of what to do over summer break. Here’s a good idea; just do what you like!
There are lots of different people that like lots of different things. Some people just like to sit around over summer break. They just like to relax and enjoy all their free time. They might do things like sleep in. Maybe to 8 AM, maybe to 11 AM. They could use their phone or laptop to browse the internet for videos or articles or games that catch their fancy. For these people, summer break is best spent in the comfort of their home doing nothing.
Some people are more active. They can’t stand to sit around and do nothing for an entire summer! They need to go places, see people, they need to do things. These are the kind of people that might, say, go on jogs every morning over summer break. They’ll make plans with family and friends constantly so they always have someplace to go. Maybe it’s to see the big summer blockbuster everyone’s been talking about. Maybe there’s some sort of party being held; a nice cookout by the pool with hotdogs and burgers. These people could just go to the pool, even! Or, maybe take a trip to an amusement park of their choice. Anything that makes summer memories and lets them live their day to the fullest so they feel they made the most of summer is desirable to these kinds of people.
Obviously, not everyone is going to enjoy the same things. Some people are indoor people, some people are outdoor people. That can’t really be changed, either. Hopefully, this list of possible activities and way to spend summer vacation proves helpful to both kinds of people.

Cory Tretinik is a junior and first year Journalism student.
He is a member of the Drama Club and National Honor Society, and participates in Academic...