Summer Activity
With about one week remaining of school for seniors and a little less than two weeks left for any other grade level, summer is just around the corner. Of course, with summer comes handfuls of free time for most students, allowing the possibilities of relaxation, pursuit of hobbies, or finding a part time, maybe even full time, job. Whatever the outcome, summer will be full of different activities for every student, regardless if it is productive or not.
Usually, the first assumption made upon students going on summer vacation is that they will have lots of relaxing activities to do in order to make up for a stressful school year. The word “relaxing,” however, may vary from student to student, depending on their opinions. Some students may find investing their time in physical activities, such as swimming, basketball, bicycling, or otherwise relaxing, while another may find spending their time playing video games as more relaxing to them. Whatever the situation, it is commonly assumed that students will be finding various ways to relax themselves while summer flies by.
On the other hand, some students are in high school, or, graduating from high school this year. This means that they are likely qualified to find themselves a summer, or full time, job, since he time is now available and expenses further down their roads in life need to be paid some way or another. With college coming soon to some, it may be vital for students to save up money from their jobs to help fund their educations. Others may simply be saving up money to have their own allowance of sorts, as they do not plan on going to college.
Finally of course, there is an in-between of relaxing and work, which are hobbies. Some students may wish to work, but also relax as they are doing it. This is where hobbies come in; every student has their own talents that they can use to their advantages for work, passing time, or anything in between. Pursuing these hobbies are what allows a student to not only find something that they are passionate about, but possibly pursue it down the road as well.
Overall, there are many different activities to do in the summer, whether they be relaxing or stressful.

Shae Bedilion is a sophomore and first year Journalism student.
Shae likes to draw and create 3D models in her free time.