When it comes to people’s emotions, anger is one of the most dangerous ones that a person can have or experience with.
One of the most dangerous emotions is anger. When people get angry, they tend express themselves in an unprofessional way. They may do this if they have a short temper, or they just have really bad anger issues. When a person’s anger takes over, it is very dangerous to be around them. You do not know if they are going to hurt you or not. Then you have some people that will take it to the extreme and they will try to kill themselves or others. It is safe to say, if someone gets angry you should try to calm them down and get help, or just leave them alone so they can relax and cool down. Yet again, anger can be used in a good way actually. For example, if someone is play football and they are not being aggressive, the coaches will tell that person that they have to get mean. By them saying this, it should try to motivate the person and make them more aggressive so that the coaches can see the true potential out of the athlete. It can also be bad if that athlete takes it the wrong way because he or she could go out there and get somebody hurt and that would look very bad on the player and coaches part.
Anger is one of the most dangerous emotions. It could be used for good and bad situations throughout a person’s life.

Devin Stoneking is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
He is a member of the basketball and baseball team.
He also likes to play video...