Emotions Run Wild
There are many emotions that can affect the way that a person acts and sometimes it may not be in a positive way. In fact, the emotions can be very dangerous and harmful not just the person themselves, but to others as well.
The most harmful emotion is is jealousy. Jealousy means that a person envies something that someone else does or haves. When people get jealous, they do some very cruel things. There can be many things that can cause a person to become jealous of another such as looks, intelligence, popularity, successful and one of the main ones, a boyfriend or girlfriend. When people get jealous, they are so angry at the moment (which brings in the angry emotion) that they do not think things through, they act before they think. Many jealous people try to make themselves feel better by sabotaging the person that they wish to be like by posting about them on social media, spreading rumors, or even saying stuff to that person to make them feel bad about him/her self. What they do not realize is that they are acting so quickly that they could cause big problems. When a person becomes jealous, they usually get angry at one point or another which causes them to these rash things. They are only thinking about themselves at the time and how they can do something that can make feel better without thinking about how the other person will feel.
Jealousy and anger are without a doubt the two most harmful and dangerous emotions. When they are combined together, disastrous things can and most likely will happen. The key thing is that people need to think their actions through before reacting to the situation that they are in, because chances are they will regret their decisions later on down the road.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...