Is Anger a Bad Thing?
The most dangerous emotion that an individual has would have to be anger. Unbridled anger left unchecked may have some of the worst repercussions of all of the emotions.
You may never know if someone has a horrible temper. Anger can take your thought process and change how you react to the things that may have upset you. Your anger should never get the best of you. It is easy just to let go and let your anger lose but, if you do that then you have a chance to take your anger out on someone that you did not mean to. Would you not feel bad if you take out your anger on a family member that had done nothing to you? It is hard to keep it under control but would you not feel better if you tried to control it. High school and work are both place that will affect your mood. If someone starts saying something trying to make you upset, just brush it off then no one will be hurt by your temper.
Anger maybe a touchy subject for people because not many people want people want to say that they may need anger management classes to try and help that get and keep control of it. Anger effects more than just how you treat other people and yourself. Aggressive driving can hurt more than just you and your fellow drivers. There is no need to get upset when you drive. Road rage has a better chance to get yourself killed.
With anger you have so many more chances to hurt yourself or people that you love. These are the reasons that I feel anger just may be the most dangerous of all the emotions that humans have.

Cameron Celaschi is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Cameron does not have any clubs or activates.
Cameron like to hunt, fish, and ride...