Emotions can be potentially dangerous whether or not they are positive or negative. Although positive emotions can be good at times, negative emotions usually lead to nothing but bad outcomes. Jealously is definitely a bad emotion to have that can cause pain or anger to not only oneself, but also to other people around the situation.
Jealousy is a thing in this world that most people have. Not everything that a person wants will fall into place for them. Even though that’s bad enough, it’s also bad for them to get jealous because someone else has that same exact thing that hey want. Just because an individual has something that someone else wants gives them no right to have a negative emotion towards them. People need to be happy with what they have in life with no traces of jealousy towards anyone else. Being jealous of someone else is an awful thing that doesn’t need to happen in this world. Individuals need to be happy with what they have because sometimes it is more than what other people have.
Having a jealous attitude is honestly bad enough, but jealousy can be the thing that lead people towards more violent emotions. Hate is something that spawns from the original jealousy of a person. Hatred is an awful thing that doesn’t need to come about just because a person is jealous. All of these emotions will eventually stack up, and the last thing that people want is for their negative emotions to stack up because then it seems as if they have became a negative person.
Jealous is a negative emotion that doesn’t need to be in this world. People really do need to be happy with what they have and their negative emotions and reactions will go away just as long as they don’t allow those things to get the best of them.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...