Love is an emotion or a feeling that all humans will experience many times throughout their entire lifetime. Love is very powerful because it can make us do many things. For example, love can make you happy and it can even make you sad. Also, love has the power to even change us as people. When you love someone you will literally do anything just to see them smile or be happy. Love can bring out the best in us.
Many people argue that hate is stronger than love, but I’m here to tell them that they’re wrong. Without love, we really have nothing. Hate is an unstable emotion that can be softened by love and sometimes, hate is created by love. Jealousy is not stronger than love because love softens emotions. Love is the mother of emotions. Hate, fear, jealousy, almost all emotions are caused or softened by love.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of Bible verses that talk about the power of love, the effects of a loving heart and the general goodness of sharing love with anyone we meet and if a God could love us so much that he was willing to let his only son come to this sinful world and die for the sake of even one sinner, then that proves to me that love has to be the single most powerful thing that God has ever given to man.

Kedar Davis is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Kedar is a member of the football and basketball team.
Kedar has many hobbies that include...