Something Dangerous
Something to me that is dangerous or harmful emotion is when someone bothers me because when someone says my name over and over again and it makes me go crazy. The things that make me go crazy are that when people say Kris because that’s what people call me all the time, and when they say my name and if I don’t answer than that means I’m probably in a bad mood.
The time that I was on the basketball team last year everyone called me big Kris because I made an Instagram name and now they all call me that, and now since I lost weight they all call me medium Kris and the person that made that up for me was the team. The part that is dangers is that sometimes when someone I don’t like calls me, and don’t answer them then they come up to me and try and talk to me and I would just speed walk to try and get away from them cause I obviously don’t want to talk if you yell my name and I don’t answer.
Another reason is that I hate when someone is being mean to another person because than that makes me feel bad. Like that other day I was in the store and there was a guy and a little girl in the store and the little girl asked the guy can I go get a piece of candy and the dad said no so the girl stopped and ran and got a piece of candy and ran back and the guy beat the girls butt all because she ran and got a piece of candy.

Krista McCartney is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Krista McCartney is member of the basketball and softball teams.
Krista also...