The Most Harmful Emotion
Sadness is the most dangerous and harmful emotion.
Sadness is a very natural response to things that happen in life. Everyone gets upset over a death, a pet, loved one, moving schools or losing friends. Sadness is a natural response but it can turn very harmful very quickly if it is a constant feeling. Sadness can turn into the feeling of being lonely or ignored. It can also turn people to anger or even into depression.
Sadness can rule over someone’s’ life and turn them into a very unhappy, emotionless person. It is very harmful not only to their health, but to their relationships with other people. Sadness can make a person want to blame or push away those who are close to them. It can rule over their lives by making them unmotivated to do anything, or make them bored of things that used to enjoy doing. It can make someone who used to be in love with music or art turn their backs to it. Sadness can change a person completely and they might not even realize it.
The emotion sadness is good at times when your body absolutely needs it. It is good to mourn over the dead because once the sadness is gone a person can feel more at peace. It is always good to be sad or upset over things, it reminds us that we are human, but if a person is feeling sadness constantly it makes them feel like they are not really living at all. It holds them back from doing things and can turn into a serious mental illness. Constant sadness can turn into depression and depression can lead to many other mental, physical and emotional problems. Many people may not even realize that they feel this way and do not get help for it.
Sadness is an important emotion but it can also be very dangerous and harmful to people.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...