Christian Wilson named Clarksville Lions Club May Student of the Month
Christian Wilson, son of Amy and Doug Wilson of Waynesburg, is Clarksville Lions Club May Student of the Month.
Christian is a member of the track and field team, soccer captain, drum captain and band president with Jefferson-Morgan Marching Band, participates in county band and chorus, choir, and drama Club. He is also a member of the 140th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Civil War Volunteer Soldiers.
Earlier this year, Christian earned his Eagle Scout rank with Troup 1168. In March, Christian was named Mr. JM.
Christian volunteers with his Boy Scout Troup by participating in Scouting for Food. He also volunteers at the Greene County Historical Society. Christian is a member of Hewitt Prebyterian Church of Rices Landing.
In the fall, Christian plans to attend Waynesburg University for a degree in either Criminal Justice or possibly a music related field.
Janessa Willis is a senior and a fourth year Journalism student.
Janessa Willis participates in cheerleading. Her other activities include Drama Club...