Shelby Burkett Named Jefferson-Morgan Centennial Lions Club September Student of the Month

(Photo Credit Via Shelby Burkett)
Jefferson-Morgan Centennial Lions Club has selected Shelby Burkett as its student of the month for September.
A daughter of Kim and Brian Burkett of Rices Landing, Burkett is a senior at Jefferson-Morgan High School where she maintains a 3.71 GPA.
Burkett is vice president of the senior class and student council. She is also involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters, Leo Club, Reading Club, Science Olympiad Team, Envirothon, National Honor Society, yearbook, and Upward Bound. Burkett is a member of the rifle team and cheer squad. She holds the position of drum major for the high school / middle school band.
Burkett participates in the Keep America Beautiful roadside cleanup campaign, packs backpacks for the school’s weekend food program, and she helps place flags on graves for Veteran’s Day. Burkett enjoys donating her blood during the schools annual blood drives and mentoring elementary students for Big Brothers Big Sisters. During her free time, Burkett volunteers for the Colby Star’s Kickball Tournament and for the Jefferson-Morgan midget cheerleaders. Burkett is an academic letterman for cheerleading, rifle,and band.
In the fall, Burkett plans to attend Ohio State University or West Chester to study veterinary science.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...