Park Skiing

Kolby Kendall

More stories from Kolby Kendall

New Year New Start
August 29, 2016

Skiing in the park can be very fun. When in the park skiers find things like jumps, rails, and boxes. The parks usually change and new things are added, keeping it exciting. It challenges every level of skier, and is very fun. Anybody can try something new and if they do not want to hit a jump or a rail, they can simply just ski past it. A variety of different rails and boxes is included. Park skiing is a challenge and even the professionals do not do everything spot on. Everything is a challenge and skiers like that. Ski resorts everywhere offer a park and it keeps skiers coming back.

At Seven Springs ski resort they have multiple parks for every level of skier. The parks they offer are Artic Blast, Santa’s Beard, The Alley, and The streets. Each park has a different level. Arctic Blast is a beginner park with little rails and boxes to get started on. I road my first rail in that park and built up from there. Santa’s Beard has more to offer and more to do. The advantage of this park is the tow rope. Instead of having to go all the way down the mountain to the ski lift, skiers can stay right in that area and use the tow rope to get up the hill. The Alley consists of a long run with the most rails and jumps. This park is good for people who know what they are doing and are familiar with hitting rails. The jumps are very large and this makes it fun and challenging. The streets is a park right next to the lodge. This park is for advanced skiers because of the rails and different things it consists of. The average skier would not be able to do much. This park does not require a lift because of its location.

Park skiing takes the sport of skiing to a whole new level. Instead of just going down slopes skiers have obstacles to do, everything from rails to jumps. With all of the parks Seven Springs offers it makes the resort a huge hotspot for skiers. I enjoy trying new things in the park and I look forward to getting better and better.